Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thoughts on Beauty

On an undisclosed recent day, I worked a birthday party. We put the makeup on the girls and did their hair, and do you know what everybody did? After the girls were all "dolled up", the moms just stood around and ooed and aahed over "how pretty they looked". And there it was. I saw the beginning of this self confidence problem that so many girls face their whole lives. From two and three years old, we are told that when we put on this fake mask, we are beautiful. We are told that when we become something that we are not we are the most ravishing we have ever looked. I am absolutely not saying that makeup and hair-dos and dressing up is a bad thing. I love getting dressed up, and thank goodness for makeup everyday! But I just don't understand why American culture starts telling girls at such a young age that they need to be something they are not. I think that is where the problem begins. Also, the other day I was in the store and about 4 or 5 little girls came in with a mom. They were all friends; all about age eight or nine. Anyway, one of the girls had the most beautiful hair I had ever seen! It was long and sandy blonde and thick. She happened to be the daughter of the mom. The girls left and the mom stayed behind to pay for some stuff. I told her how pretty her daughter was, and she just looked shocked. She said how she wishses she had been in here to hear that because she said that she had terrible self confidence issues and constantly cried because she didn't feel as pretty as her friends. It just amazes me that these issues, which I always associate with junior high girls, are starting younger and younger. Also, nobody really focuses on what's behind those pretty faces. Everybody says they want to look like their favorite model when in reality those girls do not have perfect lives. They struggle with body image just like the rest of us. I think everybody needs to take a step back and think about what they say to their kids at a young age. They say that moms who talk bad about themselves are far more likely to have little girls that struggle with image issues. So next time I talk bad about myself around someone else, I think I'm going to stop and think about who that could be affecting.


"Pretty is something you're born with. But beautiful, that's an equal opprotunity adjective."

"The KING is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." -Psalm 45:11

Friday, June 18, 2010

Rise and Shine

I am NOT a morning person. I am probably the farthest from a morning person as a human being can get. Sometimes though, on extremely rare occasions, I wake up with this unexplainable joy. I realize that as a Christian, I should wake up with this joy every day. But I guess in this fallen world, even a couple days a year just reminds me of God's joy and the beauty of the morning. Even though the morning and I are not friends, the promises a new morning brings are incredible. I woke up this morning ready to go and face this big day, and I'm pretty excited about it.

Agenda: World cup party, Lunch with Mary B, Mid term for Math, Work, Toy Story Party, and hanging with Jo. With such a big day it's a darn good thing I woke up!!


"The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my inheritance, therefore, I will hope in Him'" -Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Library

So I assume most everyone who reads this blog (does anybody read this blog, actually??) knows that I am doing summer school online. The program doesn't run properly on my computer at home, so I have been getting it done on a combination of Riley's house and the youth house. But anyway, yesterday I decided to go to the library. I probably haven't been to the library since I was seven or so years old. A couple of years ago we got this new library near my house so I decided to finally go. I really liked the vibe! It is neat and kind of tucked back in the woods. It's very relaxing and I enjoyed the people watching. So anyway, I got my math done and decided to look around. I came across the DVD collection and realized I had hit gold. There were tons of movies I wanted to see, so I decided I had to see about getting a new library card. The lady asked if I had a library card previously, and I told her I had but it had been forever ago. She took my driver's license to see if I was in the system, and a perplexed look came over her face. She told me that I currently owe the Hinds county library system a grand total of $67.76. I was a little shocked, but then she told me about what the problem was. The books included titles as "Dazy the Guinea Pig", "Hamsters: How to Understand Them", and my personal favorite, "Why do Rabbits Hop?". I went through this HUGE phase where I was obsessed with getting a hamster. As you guys also probably know I never got one, and I also never returned those books. Anyway, I just can't decide what to do. I don't feel that I can go my whole life without a library card, it wouldn't feel right. I also don't feel though that this is the best time to spend seventy bucks on renewing my card. But anyway, do any of you guys go to the library? Any funny library stories out there?


Monday, June 14, 2010

Back to Blog??

I completely forgot about this blog. Maybe I should start it back up.

I've had an amazing summer so far. I feel really close to God, my friends, and new and exciting things are happening. I had a great time at Victoria and Eric's wedding. Then I came home and had an exciting week full of nothing. Last week I spent a ton of time at the church.

Hmmm... I'm trying to think of the interesting highlights which have happened so far this summer, and then I will try to start updating as things happen. (Pictures at the top)

Alex and I have been having these really impromptu adventure days. That particular day, we visited Cody at the Florence library where he works. We went into this random second hand shop and looked around. Then, we fetched Riley and all went to the Natural Science Museum. It was a great day. Sno Biz and Connor met up with us at some point, and we went to the church cookout. I love summery days!

My beautiful sister got married. The wedding was outside, it was absolutely gorgeous. The weather was awesome, the setting was the coolest place I've ever been. I can't believe that I'm the last Silber girl left!!
